Cashflow is a crucial aspect of any business, especially at times like these.  A cashflow crisis can arise due to a variety of reasons, but primarily as a result of an unexpected drop in sales or an increase in expenses. Here are some steps to help deal with cashflow challenges in a business: 1. Examine and forecast your cash inflows and outflows: Review your financial statements to understand your current cash flow. You can use this information to forecast short-term and long-term cash flow. Identify which suppliers and customers have flexible payment terms and find opportunities to shift payment to ease cash flow challenges. 2. Analyse and control expenses: Take a careful look at your expenses to see where cuts can be made without compromising your core functions. Scrutinize your expenses and identify any non-critical expenses or overheads that can be reduced or eliminated. 3. Increase cash inflow: Find ways to increase cash flow, sell excess inventory, extend payment terms with vendors or customers, offer discounts for prompt payment.  4. Negotiate with creditors or suppliers: If possible, negotiate extended payment terms with your creditors or suppliers, so you have some flexibility while managing your cash flow. Communicate with them directly and honestly about your situation rather than avoiding them. 5. Explore financing options: Financial institutions can offer lines-of-credit options, factoring or invoice financing programs, and traditional loans at competitive interest rates. However, consider the cost of borrowing as it can add to your business expenses eventually. 6. Develop a cash flow management plan: Review and update regularly as cash flow requirements vary across different stages of the business’s lifecycle. If you forecast regularly, it can help keep you cashflow positive. In summary, dealing with cashflow challenges require comprehensive strategies that address the root problem of your cashflow issue. By keeping your expenses as low as possible and closely managing your income, you can make your business more resilient to cash challenges. Lastly, prioritizing short-term, data-driven solutions and reviewing/devising long-term plans can help keep your business ship afloat, even in rough waters.